5 tips for a comfortable long ride

A long ride is exciting, peaceful, healing and so many more wonderful things. And the last thing you want to be is uncomfortable on the ride. Can really ruin the experience of a long ride. So here are a few tips one could implement for a comfortable and satisfying long ride. Here we go: 


1. Motorcycle ergonomics: Not all motorcycles are fit for the long ride. But one can always make some adjustments to the bike for the long ride. Moving the handle bars up or down as needed. Choose the right seat. Highways pegs to stretch your legs. Pack luggage so there is a back rest. 

 rider with luggage on motorcycle


2. Endurance: Now when I say endurance I don't mean one has to do a 2000 km ride. Even a 50km journey requires a small measure of endurance. Most new motorcycle enthusiasts decide to go off on long rides the second the motorcycle rolls out of the showroom. It just exhausts them and they end up giving up riding soon enough. Start small. Go on a 50 km ride outside the city. Keep increasing the distance as the weeks go by. Within a month or two, you'll be ready to ride 500 to 600 km in a single day. Eventually, you can do a thousand km ride with ease. 

 winding road in the hills


3. Breaks: Take plenty of breaks on your ride. Remember, you are still sitting stiffly on top of an engine and movement is quite restricted. So listen to your body and when it needs a break you need to give it that break. Stop by a roadside establishment. Have a tea and stretch your legs a bit. Marvel at the scenery for a bit. Your bike probably needs a break for a few minutes too.

chai stop 


 4. Monkey butt: odd as it sounds, monkey butt is a big issue for long rides. Monkey butt is basically a sweaty butt that becomes inflamed like a baboon's hind quarters. this often leads to skin chaffing, extreme discomfort, and sometimes even bleeding from the rashes. The best thing you could do is wear riding pants that breathe. that have air circulation. Would highly recommend cotton jeans or riding trousers that have vents. Talcum powder can help but that could lead to a slightly sticky situation on a hot day, if you know what I mean. 

motorcycle rider butt crack


(Might not be the best picture, but hey, there's plenty of air circulation 😉) 

5. Riding gear: Wearing riding gear is cool. But one needs to choose the right gear. You can always wear a thick jacket and ride off. Thats just a perfect recipe for heat exhaustion or a stroke. Pick the right clothing as per the weather. On a hot day, like it is most of the time in a large part of India, you need a well-ventilated jacket with plenty of vents, to let the air in.  A cotton Tee is your best friend. Preferably not overly dark shades on hot days. 

motorcycle rider with riding gear

These are just some of the things to keep in mind for a comfortable long ride. There are plenty more. Put in a comment, if you have your own methods or tips. 

Happy riding!!!

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