5 stages of awareness

Riding is quite a therapeutic thing, however for it to be that, one needs to be aware of several things. so we have broken it down to 5 stages. Here we go:

Stage 1, WHITE:

white motorcycle rider

The rider is unaware, unprepared for any obstructions and zoned out. 

Stage 2, BLUE:

blue motorcycle rider

The rider is relaxed and prepared. He/She has good situational awareness. 

Stage 3, YELLOW:

yellow motorcyce rider

In this stage the rider is focused on a specific threat or obstruction, like a rash driver or an animal on the road or cyclists who've veered off their path, etc. They have perceived the threat and are ready to act if needed. 


red motorcycle rider

It's action time. Rider is in full ready mode and is actively involved. 

Stage 5, BROWN:

brown motorcycle rider

 Rider is impulsive and panicked. Complete breakdown of mental & physical performance. 



Ideally its best to be in Blue, Yellow or Red stages of awareness. That's when the rider can actually enjoy the ride. 

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